College Vision 書院理念

MLC takes “inclusion”, “great love and great beauty” and “whole person development” as the college’s philosophy and vision, where students are encouraged to take responsibilities for their education, behavior, career design, and to work hard to find themselves in a lively, peer-engaged academic and social community.


College Mission 書院使命

While emphasizing the development of the “Whole Person”, MLC creates a poetic and aesthetic educational environment and living space. Through a series of communal activities, pastoral care, communal meal participation, one-on-one sessions between students and academic staff, as well as interdisciplinary training, students can fully enhance their competitiveness in responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement and healthy lifestyle, in order to work in a society of the new century.


College Motto 書院院訓
Multiple Language and
Cross Cultural Communication
Etiquette and Honesty
Whole Person Development
College Emblem 書院院徵

Green is the college color, the color of nature, and the color of Macau Regional Flag, which symbolizes the affection to home country, Macau and the society.

The College is named after the donors Mr. MA Man Kei and Madam LO Pak Sam.

Circle emblem represents harmony and perfection, students living and learning together to achieve excellence at the College.

Multiple language and Cross Cultural communication, Etiquette and Honesty, and Whole Person Development are the College motto.

Four pieces of puzzle in different shades of green refer to the 4-in-1 educational model of University of Macau.

Five stars indicate China and the cultural mutual learning and integration with the five continents of the world. The College fully cooperates with the University’s development position, “a university of and for Macao, an active participant in the development of the Greater Bay Area and the nation, with the ambition to ‘go global’. ”
五顆星代表中國,代表與世界五大洲的文化互鑒與融合,書院全力配合大學 “立足澳門、共建灣區、融入國家、走向世界”的發展定位。

“Since 2016” refers to the founding year of the College.
“Since 2016”是指書院成立於 2016 年。