News & Announcements

News & Announcements2023-09-06T17:25:44+08:00
2607, 2024

“Double Celebration” Event on Open Day: Representatives from the Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College Visited the Macau SAR Government Headquarters 開放日的“雙慶”活動:馬萬祺羅柏心書院代表團參觀澳門特別行政區政府總部

After three years of the pandemic, the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) government held its first open day on October 21, 2023. Seizing this opportunity, Prof. YANG Liu, the College Master of Ma M ...

2307, 2024

MLC Discovers the Charm and Beauty of Chongqing and the Three Gorges of Changjiang River 感受巴渝非遺魅力,體驗長江三峽風光,MLC師生赴重慶參加曲風雅韻傳統文化體驗營

To foster friendships among young people from Chongqing, Hong Kong, and Macau, promote the traditional culture of Sichuan opera and the customs of the Bayu region, and enhance the understanding of the deve ...

3006, 2024

Mathematical Fashion: Innovative Knowledge Integration in MLC’s “Grand Beauty Workshop” 時尚的數學:馬萬祺羅柏心書院“大美工坊”知識整合新創意

Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC) introduced a unique course through the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) that aims at enriching students’ understanding and practice of the i ...

2906, 2024

Poems from Distant lands: Prof Zhang Xiaoping, Renowned Physicist, Guides MLC Students on a Journey to Space 詩與遠方:著名物理學家張小平教授引領MLC學子遨游太空

On 17 April 2024 Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC) hosted a lecture by Prof. Xiaoping Zhang, Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences from Macau University of Scien ...

2706, 2024

Three students from Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College won awards at the “2024 Chinese Classics Recitation Exchange Performance Competition for University Students from Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China”/馬萬祺羅柏心書院三學子榮獲“2024年港澳和內地高校大學生中華經典誦讀交流決賽展演”佳績

From June 14th to 16th, three students from Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC) participated in the "2024 Chinese Classics Recitation Exchange Performance Competition for University Students from Hong ...

2606, 2024

Dialogue with the Bashu Symbols – Uncovering a Journey with Millennium-Old Culture / 與巴蜀符號對話 – 千年文脈的解密之旅

To foster stronger connections  between students of Sichuan, Macau and Hong Kong and deepen their understanding of China, Dr. Gary Fung, Associate Master of Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak College (MLC), led eight s ...