MLC offers a whole variety of interest groups that are run by students, ranging from arts (calligraphy and music band) to sports (badminton, basketball, dancing, football, running and table tennis) and lifestyles (coffee, reading and multi-language salon). Students will have ample opportunities to showcase their talents and demonstrate their leadership skills at MLC.

馬萬祺羅柏心書院提供一系列由學生主導的興趣小組,涵蓋文藝 、體育和時尚生活。在這裡,學生有豐富的機會去展現他們的體藝和領導才能。

Arts 藝術類

MLC Music Ensemble 大美稀音合壁樂團

以樂會友,中西合壁樂團集合了熱愛音樂的院生,共同為未來的慶祝活動和院內外活動作準備。Making friends through music. The MLC Music Ensemble gathers music enthusiasts to prepare for the upcoming celebratory events both within and outside of MLC.

College Dancing Group 書院舞團 – Shuffle

Shuffle 舞團成立於2017年,是一個充滿活力與熱情的社團。我們還會有定期的訓練來幫助我們的隊員提高舞蹈實力。歡迎所有熱愛舞蹈的朋友和我們一起創造奇跡!Founded in 2017, Shuffle is a vibrant and passionate society. We have regular training to help our team members improve their dance skills. We welcome all friends who love dance to come and work wonders with us!

Happy Animal Band 愉快動物樂隊

愉快動物樂隊是一支熱衷於傳播開心與快樂的樂隊。樂隊歌曲風格多變,多以流行與獨立搖滾為主,同時也兼具民謠等其他風格音樂。創辦初心是希望每個人每天都能夠愉快生活,開心快樂。Happy Animal Band aims to spread happiness and joy. The band’s songs are varied in both style and groove. We hope everyone can live happily everyday!

Chinese Drums Team 中國紅鼓隊

以鼓擊節,中國紅鼓隊積極參與迎新與開放日等重要書院活動!You can always see our drummers at major MLC events such as Mass Move-in and Open Day!

Cultures 文化類

Multi-Language Salon 多語言沙龍

我們希望能夠建造輕鬆愉快的語言學習環境,讓院生們學習不同的語言和拓展語言文化視野。我們致力促進書院的多語多元文化,力求帶給院生們更多語多元的語言活動!We strive to create a language learning environment for MLC students to broaden their horizons. We work towards enhancing the multi-lingual and multi-cultural ethos of MLC, and bringing more activities that pertain to this goal!

Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage 非遺傳承中心

與本地和海內外名師名家合作,傳承和弘揚優秀傳統中華文化。Preserve and disseminate outstanding traditional Chinese culture.

Chinese Fine Arts Group 中國書畫社

旨在讓MLC的院生感受書畫的魅力,在實踐中感受中華文化,書畫社歡迎每一位院生參加,哪怕是零基礎的院生也可以參加! To let MLC students feel the charm of Chinese fine arts in practice. We welcome every student to participate!

Book Club 讀書會

繁忙的大學生活是否難以靜下心來閱讀書籍,不如來MLC讀書會和朋友攜手閱讀吧!If it is difficult to calm down and read books in the busy college life, why not come to the MLC Book Club to read with friends!

Sports 體育類

Badminton Team 羽毛球隊

釋放對羽毛球的熱情!無論是高手還是初學者,在這裏你都可以有一個很愉快的體驗。Unleash your passion for badminton! Experienced and amateur players can both enjoy a game here.

Football Team 足球隊

給各位熱愛足球的MLC院生一個去提升自我球技和比賽專業性的平臺,與各位同書院的朋友們一起享受足球樂趣。To give all MLC students who love football a platform to improve their football skills and professionalism, enjoy the fun of football together.

Basketball Team 籃球隊

讓院生們磨練以及深造自己的技術,從中學習籃球五打五的技巧,學習進攻與防守的處處細節。To give students a platform to hone and develop their skills, learn 5v5 basketball skills including attack and defense.

Table Tennis Team  乒乓球隊

希望MLC書院的各位朋友們能夠一起享受乒乓球的樂趣以及運動的快感,並且在之後可以參與CICA的比賽活動來和其他書院的同學交流技術!Let’s enjoy the fun and dopamine from table tennis, and participate in the CICA competition!

Squash Team 壁球隊

由熟悉壁球的院生親自指導,快來和我們一起享受壁球的動感和樂趣!Supervised by student expert in squash, come and join us for a game of squash!

Cheerleading Team 啦啦隊

快來參加我們啦啦隊,一起在CICA盃賽中努力! Come join our exciting cheerleading team and compete in the CICA tournament!

Night Running Group 夜跑社

夜跑社旨在為MLC的院生同學提供一個能夠不用顧及規則,只揮灑汗水的平臺,哪怕沒有任何擅長的活動也能在MLC擁有鍛煉身體,釋放自我平臺,夜跑社還分快隊,慢隊兩種形式,院生既可以盡情衝刺,也可以慢跑放鬆身心。The night running club aims to provide MLC students with a platform that allow them to exercise without minding too much about game rules, even if they are not good at any activities, they can exercise in MLC and relieve themselves of stress.

Board Game Group 桌遊社

為我們院生提供一個可以放鬆,娛樂平臺。在這裡我們會經常舉行一些桌遊活動,也歡迎新成員為我們帶來新的遊戲!To provide MLC students with a platform where they can relax and have fun, we regularly host board game activities!

Gastronomy 飲食類

Coffee Club 對三咖啡

讓院生們體驗到不同咖啡飲品的風味,我們定期舉辦拉花、杯測、特調咖啡等活動,一起探索咖啡製作方法的無限可能!To let students experience the different flavors of coffee and explore the infinite ways to make coffee!

烘焙社 Baking Club

在2023/24學年新成立的組織,密切留意我們的最新動向! Newly established in academic year 2023/24. Keep an eye on our latest updates!