MLC provides not only accommodations, it also provides students with opportunities to get involved in all student activities, including Academy of Aesthetic Education, high table dinners, 4-in-1 inter-disciplinary academic seminars and talks, interest groups, service learning trips, all sorts of college teams, sporting and social activities, and graduation ceremony.


Love the Country, Love Macao 愛國愛澳

The College organizes various activities, including gaining a profound understanding of the governance principles and directives of national leaders, delving into the knowledge of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Macau Special Administrative Region, studying classical Chinese literature and culture through activities such as learning Chinese calligraphy and literature, and actively cultivating members of the University of Macau National Flag Team. These endeavors aim to further enhance awareness and understanding of China’s social systems and historical culture, promote the spirit of space exploration and dedication to the country, raise awareness of legal principles among students and faculty, and contribute to the steadfast implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” policy, ensuring long-term stability and prosperity in Macau. The ultimate goal is to nurture students into law-abiding and responsible citizens.


College Master’s First Lecture 院長第一講

The College Master’s First Lecture is the first significant event tailored for the incoming freshmen. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the first lecture approached various perspectives such as philosophy, aesthetics, and culture. It provided a comprehensive introduction to the educational philosophy of the University of Macau, the educational objectives of the college, available resources, discipline, and learning activities. The lecture aimed to stimulate students’ reflections on life attitudes and life planning. This inaugural lecture held exceptional significance, marking the commencement of the new academic year and the beginning of the college life for the incoming students.


Academy of Aesthetic Education 美育學堂

In the spring semester of 2022, College Master Prof. Yang Liu initiated the creation of the Academy of Aesthetic Education, dedicated to cultivating students’ comprehensive development through new forms of art and aesthetics. The academy currently consists of four series: “Grand Beauty Forum,” “Grand Beauty Workshop,” “Grand Beauty Wonderland,” and “Grand Beauty Harmony.”

The “Grand Beauty Forum” fosters students’ seven competencies through a platform where staff and students share insights. It particularly enhances students’ responsible citizenship, aesthetic abilities, spiritual character, noble sentiments, and knowledge integration. On the other hand, the “Grand Beauty Workshop” is led by masters or experts in various artistic fields who, through practical methods, cultivate students, providing opportunities to apply the knowledge gained in the “Grand Beauty Forum” and develop in areas such as innovative thinking, cross-cultural practices, and global competitiveness. The “Grand Beauty Wonderland” aims to enhance the overall environment of the college and promote student participation in labor education, thereby cultivating students’ competency in “healthy living” and achieving the college’s goal of environment-oriented education. Lastly, the “Grand Beauty Harmony” involves a fusion of Eastern and Western musical traditions, spreading China’s outstanding traditional culture and virtues. It nurtures team creativity, serves society and the nation, and promotes cultural exchange between China and the world.


Academy of Aesthetic Education — Grand Beauty Forum 美育學堂‧大美講壇

Academy of Aesthetic Education Grand Beauty Workshop 美育學堂‧大美工坊

Academy of Aesthetic Education  Grand Beauty Wonderland 美育學堂‧大美仙境

Academy of Aesthetic Education  Grand Beauty Harmony 美育學堂‧大美稀音

High Table Education 高桌晚宴

High Table Dinner is an official activity of Residential College. It provides chances for communication and interaction between students and the honored guests. It is also an activity of the College for the students to learn and practice table manner, etiquette and receiving guests during a formal event.


High Table EducationHigh-level speeches 高桌晚宴‧高端演講

High Table EducationHigh-Class Etiquette 高桌晚宴‧ 高雅禮儀

High Table EducationHigh-minded culture  高桌晚宴‧高尚文化

High Table EducationHigh-quality communication 高桌晚宴‧高級交流

4-in-1 Inter-disciplinary Academic Seminars and Mental Message 4+1跨學科研討與心靈按摩

The Inter-disciplinary Academic Programme at MLC invites academics from different faculties and institutes at UM, as well as well-known scholars and elites in various fields to host various engaging seminars and workshops at the college. This program aims to broaden student’s perspectives beyond their own majors and encourage them to explore interesting topics.


Interest Groups 興趣小組

MLC offers a whole variety of interest groups that are run by students, ranging from arts (calligraphy and music band) to sports (badminton, basketball, dancing, football, running and table tennis) and lifestyles (coffee, reading and multi-language salon). Students will have ample opportunities to showcase their talents and demonstrate their leadership skills at MLC.

馬萬祺羅柏心書院提供一系列由學生主導的興趣小組,包括文藝 (書法和樂隊),體育 (羽毛球、籃球、舞團、足球、跑步和乒乓球),以及時尚生活 (咖啡、讀書會和多語言沙龍)。在這裡,學生有豐富的機會去展現他們的體藝和領導才能。

Service Learning Trips 服務學習之旅與交流

Through service learning educational trips, MLC students can have a deeper understanding of the realities of poverty first hand and personally connect with local communities. This program aims to enhance student’s global competitiveness ability and service and leadership skills.


Graduation Ceremony 畢業典禮

As part of the RC education,  the Graduation Ceremony is an annual significant event designed to celebrate the achievements of the graduates from Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College. It aims to recognize outstanding graduates and student leaders, enhance communication between faculty and students, and express best wishes for the future development of the students. At the same time, it is also a final aesthetic education.


College Sport and Culture Teams 院隊

College organised multiple sport and cultural teams. This aims to provide cultivate students’ strong sense of belonging to the college, strengthen teamwork, encourage healthy living, improve personalities, and provide opportunities for leadership development.


In the Academic Year 2023/2024, MLC Badminton Team clinched the championship in the UM CICA Master’s Cup, while the MLC Football Team secured the 1st runner-up position. Celebrating the victory, College Master Yang Liu and Associate Master Gary Fung joined the team members in joyous festivities, looking forward to the promising future.
