On April 25, 2024, a delegation led by Liu Lixin, President and Secretary General of China Student Sports Federation and Lei Im Kei, Head of Division of Macao Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, visited Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC) of the University of Macau (UM), as part of their inspection tour. The delegation was warmly received by College Master Professor Yang Liu and the MLC management team.

Professor Yang accompanied the delegation on a tour of the College, including the lobby, office areas, sports facilities, and living spaces. She provided the delegation with an introduction to the College’s educational history and guided them through student dormitories, common lounges, meeting rooms, and the recently established Love Country Love Macau Exhibition Hall. Subsequently, the delegation engaged in in-depth discussions with the College’s management team, focusing on the details and arrangements for the upcoming ISF World School Basketball Championship to be held in Macau, including reception arrangements and specific measures for the championship.

President Liu expressed sincere appreciation for the advanced educational philosophy and excellent management of the University of Macau. In particular, he highly praised the series of exhibits and display boards in Love Country Love Macau Exhibition Hall, which showcased national ideals, the patriotic sentiments of the Ma family, and the educational achievements of the College in promoting love for Country and Macau. The delegation highly commended the preparations made by UM and MLC for hosting the Championship. During the visit, President Liu provided insightful guidance and suggestions regarding specific matters such as event reception and venue arrangements.

Professor Yang expressed heartfelt gratitude for the continuous care, support, and trust from the China Student Sports Federation and the Macao Education and Youth Affairs Bureau towards the College. She noted that the delegation’s visit and inspection were a great encouragement and affirmation for the College. MLC will fully support the successful organization of the Championship and provide necessary equipment and assistance.