News & Announcements

News & Announcements2023-09-06T17:25:44+08:00
2112, 2023

School of Athletic Performance of Shanghai University of Sport Associate Dean Dr. Yuan Peng’s Captative Lecture: Return to Sport, Never Give Up 損傷重返賽場,冠軍永不言棄:上海體育大學競技運動學院袁鵬副院長精彩講座

近日,馬萬祺羅柏心書院邀請上海體育大學競技運動學院副院長袁鵬教授为學生們帶來一場題為「損傷重返賽場,冠軍永不言棄」的精彩講座。這場講座通過介紹運動損傷康復与重返賽場的科學體系和冠軍故事,培養學生們四位一體跨學科知識整合及應用的能力。 書院楊柳院長為同學們介紹主講嘉賓之後,袁鵬教授用科學知識和鮮活案例強調了運動受傷之後進行系統康復和重返賽場的重要性。他指出,只有通過尊重科學和依靠專業團隊進行全面的治療、与康復 ...

2112, 2023

MLC:Explore Macao and Eagerly Anticipating the “Double Celebration” MLC:探索澳門熱烈期待“雙慶”

In a heart-warming repeat of 2022’s semester-end success, students are once again embarking on the cherished Explore Macao double-decker bus tour to rejuvenate their spirits during the demanding exam perio ...

2911, 2023

Moments in History:MLC Students Visited Lai Chi Vun Shipyard 歲月印記:馬萬祺羅柏心書院院生參觀路環荔枝碗村

(Students visit and learn about the shipbuilding craftsmanship of shipbuilders, and practice it hands-on) On November 12th, the student leaders of the Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC) visited and to ...

2911, 2023

Mathematical Fashion: Innovative Knowledge Integration in MLC’s “Grand Beauty Workshop” 時尚的數學:馬萬祺羅柏心書院“大美工坊”知識整合新創意

Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College (MLC) introduced a unique course through the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) that aims at enriching students’ understanding and practice of the i ...

2311, 2023

Prof. ZHANG Rong, Deputy to the NPC and Secretary of the CPC of Xiamen University Visited UMMLC with a Delegation 全國人大代表、廈門大學張榮書記率團訪問澳門大學馬萬祺羅柏心書院

In the refreshing autumn breeze filled with floral aroma, Professor ZHANG Rong, deputy to the NPC and Secretary of the CPC of Xiamen University, led a delegation to visit UMMLC during his visit to Universi ...

1411, 2023

Walking in the World: MLCers Shared International Cultural Exchange Experiences/行走世界:馬萬祺羅柏心書院院生分享海外文化交流經驗

In order to help students appreciate the atmosphere of overseas cultures and further strengthen their global competitiveness, on the afternoon of November 8, MLC held an “International Cultural Exchange Ex ...