Leadership training is an important goal of the University of Macau’s whole-person education. At 10 am on 4 August 2022, the third lecture of the MLC Academy of Aesthetic Education gave by College Master Prof. YANG Liu- “Leaders’ Charisma and Demeanor” – was held online, kicking off a new academic year’s leadership training. Dr. Gary FUNG, Associate Master and Prof. Venus VIANA, Resident Fellow together with student leaders, participated in the session and actively shared their thoughts and experiences on leadership.

Prof. YANG pointed out that a leader should work like a gate to set long-term big goals and short-term small goals for the team in a “SMART” way. Then a vivid short video was played to introduce the meaning of “SMART”: “S” means the goal should be Specific; “M” means measurable; “A” means achievable; “R” means relevant and “T” refers to time-based.

She believes that a team is not only a group with one leader but also a community formed by internal and external members connected with each other. There may be various confusions, demands or frictions between people. The leader is also a bridge. In order to ensure the progress of the team and avoid chaos and stagnation, the leader’s communication skills will play a great role.

Towards the end of her speech, the College Master concluded that the flag of guidance, the gate of motivation, the bridge of communication, and the pen of battle portrayed the picture of leadership. She also told the participants that a charismatic leader must shine with the brilliance of ideals and encouraged everyone to face the challenges and strive to become a leader with ideals, strategies, manners, and perseverance in the era of globalization when the pandemic has not yet subsided.