On January 31, 2024, MLC visited the Love the Country, Love Macao Educational Base for the Youth, demonstrating the College’s dedication to fostering patriotism through interactive education. The visit, led by MLC’s “Two Laws Ambassadors,” was marked by a tour of the exhibition areas which focused on a blend of culture, arts, history, and technology.  Another highlight was the Divine Land Cinematheque, a venue dedicated to the screening of patriotic educational films and videos.  The MLC students found the visit deeply engaging, particularly enjoying the hands-on experiences in the Huicui Pavilion, where they could immerse themselves in the richness of Chinese culture. The interactive nature of the Divine Land Cinematheque’s performances, ranging from shadow puppetry to martial arts, provided them with a dynamic learning environment that enriched their understanding of China’s historical and cultural legacy. The MLC’s visit underscores the importance of interactive learning environments in instilling a sense of national pride and cultural awareness among citizens.