In July 2022, while the world is still coping with COVID-19 pandemic, Macau also entered ‘static management’ aimed at reining in the outbreak. Nevertheless, this has not deterred us to explore the world. MLC hosted an online event aimed to broaden students’ international perspective and enhance their international competitiveness on the evening of 16 July.  The College invited 7 outstanding alumni to share their experiences in applying graduate programs and employment opportunities after graduation. MLC also invited teachers and students from East China Normal University’s Daxia College to participate and exchange views with MLC students.

The event was hosted by MLC Associate Master, Dr. Ka Wai Fung, he invited the MLC College Master, Prof. Yang Liu to deliver an opening speech. Prof. Yang mentioned that this event aimed to cultivate students’ international vision and inspire students to strive for self-improvement and all-rounded development. The 7 speakers from this event are brilliant role models of the UM’s 4-in-1 education and MLC’s whole person education. They were determined to prevail even in difficult times. Prof. Yang also expressed her gratitude to the teachers and students from Daxia College, and hoped the students from both colleges can meet again when the pandemic ends. Finally, she wished all students to have a graceful and vivid lifestyle no matter where they live.

Prof. Yang Liu giving an opening speech

Prof. Mu Tao, College Master of Daxia College and Ms. Cai Huixian, assistant to Prof. Mu expressed their gratitude for the College’s invitation. Prof. Mu mentioned that the event provided an opportunity for students to improve their language and cross-cultural communication skills; he believed that dialogue like this was beneficial to the students and hoped that the two colleges could continue to maintain close cooperation and provide more opportunities for teachers and students to exchange. Ms. Cai mentioned that both Macau and Shanghai are coastal cities and have similar cultures. She wished there would be more collaboration opportunities between the two colleges in the future.

Ms Cai Huixian, assistant to College Master of Daxia College

The alumni interview session was hosted by Suo Zihan. The 7 speakers were Jian Jie, Li Xiaohong, Xie Shanshan, Cheng Shiyuan, Zhang Dingyang, Wang Jintao and Lu Yuzhi, who successfully applied to University of Cambridge, Johns Hopkins University, University of Amsterdam, Nanyang Technological University, University of California (San Diego), University of Hong Kong and University of Macau. They shared their experiences in applying postgraduate programs at universities around the world. They discussed how to overcome the impact of the pandemic, how to gain recognition from their peers, how to improve their international competitiveness and how to plan their careers after graduation. They also reminded students of making good use of the resources available in UM, such as the Career Development Centre and English Writing Centre, which provided resumes and personal statements consultation service. They also encouraged students to take on different student leadership positions in the college during their four years of study to improve their communication skills, teamwork skills and expand their social network. At the end of the event, the speakers received a handful of insightful questions from the audience, these included how to prepare for the interviews, their experience in competitions and off-campus activities, how to overcome the impact of the pandemic and cross-major applications.

Dr. Fung concluded the event and mentioned he was proud that the students were well prepared in their daily life and was a pleasure to witness the students’ tremendous achievements in just a few years.

This international forum not only provided students with specific suggestions and experience in overseas studies and job hunting, but also broadened their global horizons and provided life enlightenment for students to integrate globally in the future. Finally, the host would like to wish students from both colleges to excel in their future ventures.

Jane Jie , Class of 2020 (Nanyang Technological University and UC San Diego – Master of Economics)

Xie Shanshan, Class of 2021 graduated from (University of Hong Kong – Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages student)

Li Xiaohong, Class of 2021 (University of Hong Kong – Master of Finance student)

Cheng Shiyuan, Class of 2022 (University of Cambridge – Master of Philosophy in Development Studies student)

Zhang Dingyang, Class of 2022 (Johns Hopkins University – Master of Applied Economics student)

Wang Jintao, Class of 2022 (University of Macau, Ph.D. in Computer Science student)

Lu Yuzhi, Class of 2022 (University of Amsterdam – Master of Communication Science student)







校友採訪與觀眾互動環節由索子涵同學主持。七位分享人為簡捷、李曉虹、謝珊珊、程詩源、張丁洋、王錦濤和魯雨知,他們成功申請到了劍橋大學、約翰斯·霍普金斯大學、阿姆斯特丹大學、南洋理工大學、加州大學、香港大學、澳門大學等名校研究生課程。在論壇中,他們興奮地分享了申請海外研究生學習和規劃職業生涯的經驗,也探討了如何突破前見,如何獲得國際同行的認可,提高國際競爭力。他們提醒學弟學妹們,應善用澳門大學的資源,如生涯發展中心和English Writing Centre所提供的簡歷和個人陳述諮詢的服務。校友們還指出,澳大開放自由的環境、特別是書院的教育和輕鬆的生活對他們的成功經歷有著很大的影響,並建議同學們在書院四年間嘗試擔任不同的學生領袖崗位,提升溝通技能、團隊合作能力和拓寬人際關係軟實力。會後,觀眾們熱烈提問,包括面試準備技巧、競賽和校外活動經歷、跨專業申請方法,等等,師友互動熱烈,收穫滿滿。





2022屆畢業的張丁洋 (約翰斯·霍普金斯大學 – 應用經濟學碩士課程)

2022屆畢業的魯雨知  (阿姆斯特丹大學 – 傳播科學碩士課程)

2022屆畢業的王錦濤(澳門大學 – 計算機科學博士課程)




MLC GaryBrianMaggieZihan Rosy報道)